صورة المرأة في رواية عذراء جاكرتا لنجيب الكيلاني وغرق السفينة "فين دا وايك" لحمكا من منظور النسوية الإسلامية

The Image of Women in the Novel “The Virgin of Jakarta” by Najib al-Kilani and the Novel “The Sinking of The Ship "Van Der Wijick” by Hamka from an Islamic feminist Perspective.


  • Maimanah Samsuri Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Pahang




Woman Image,, The Virgin of Jakarta, Najib Al-Kilani, Najib Al-Kilani, The Sinking of The Ship "Van Der Wijick", Hamka, Islamic Feminist Theory


This study looks at how Arab and Malay writers portray women and their situation in Malay Islamic Society, despite their cultural and tradition differences. Therefore, the study explores the writer’s perspective on the issue of women from perspective of Islamic feminist theory in Islamic society, including equality between men and women in that period that is governed by strong social customs, as well as the prominent image of women in the two novels. The study employed descriptive analysis approach in analyzing the image of women, using the Islamic feminist theory to understand, how Malay women’s forms and images appear and how to deal with them. According to the research finding from this study, the writer Najib al-Kilani in his novel “The virgin of Jakarta” and the writer Hamka in his novel “The Sinking of The Ship Van Der Wijick” adhered to the principle of Islamic Literature for women and portrayed the image of women according to Islamic view and portrayed the life of women who still live in the family environment and the traditional court. The novel “The Virgin of Jakarta” and “The Sinking of The Ship Van Der Wijick” were chosen because these two novels are among works of famous writers in Islamic Literature and they focus on one culture.




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How to Cite

Samsuri, M. (2024). صورة المرأة في رواية عذراء جاكرتا لنجيب الكيلاني وغرق السفينة "فين دا وايك" لحمكا من منظور النسوية الإسلامية: The Image of Women in the Novel “The Virgin of Jakarta” by Najib al-Kilani and the Novel “The Sinking of The Ship "Van Der Wijick” by Hamka from an Islamic feminist Perspective. Jurnal Pengajian Islam, 17(1), 173–191. https://doi.org/10.53840/jpi.v17i1.286