Harmonizing Faith and Governance: A Comprehensive Study of Islamic Governance Frameworks

Menyatukan Agama dan Tadbir Urus: Kajian Komprehensif Kerangka Tadbir Urus Islam


  • Muhammad Syaqiq Al-Azdi Bin Abd Razak Universiti Malaya
  • Sharifah Hayaati Syed Ismail Universiti Malaya
  • Siti Arni Basir Universiti Malaya




Islamic Governance, Socio-Religious Values, Principles, Evolution, Trustworthiness


This comprehensive qualitative research study explores the dynamic relationship between faith and governance within the framework of Islam. Grounded in academic analysis of a collection of books and journal articles, this research delves into the principles, evolution, and integration of Islamic governance frameworks, with an emphasis on their harmony with socio-religious values. The study unfolds by tracing the historical evolution of Islamic governance principles and the critical role played by interpretation (Ijtihad) in shaping these principles. It further investigates the integration of Islamic socio-religious values such as trustworthiness, cooperation, moderation, and wisdom into governance systems, emphasizing their ethical significance. The study highlights how Islamic governance encompasses diverse dimensions, including Tawhid (the oneness of Allah), Shura (consultation), Khilafah (representative leadership), accountability, transparency, and justice. Through an exploration of Islamic governance, the research underscores the intricate balance between faith and governance, shedding light on their complementary nature and their potential to guide ethical, efficient, and equitable governance practices. Ultimately, this study contributes to a comprehensive understanding of Islamic governance frameworks and their alignment with Islamic socio-religious values, offering insights into the unique characteristics and evolving nature of Islamic governance.


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How to Cite

Bin Abd Razak, M. S. A.-A., Syed Ismail, S. H. ., & Basir, S. A. B. (2024). Harmonizing Faith and Governance: A Comprehensive Study of Islamic Governance Frameworks: Menyatukan Agama dan Tadbir Urus: Kajian Komprehensif Kerangka Tadbir Urus Islam. Jurnal Pengajian Islam, 17(2), 87–101. https://doi.org/10.53840/jpi.v17i2.304