Halal Training: Issues and Challenges from Trainers’ Perspectives in Halal Products Research Institute (HPRI)

Latihan Halal: Isu dan Cabaran dari Perspektif Pelatih di Institut Penyelidikan Produk Halal (LPPH)


  • Nur Hafizah Harun UITM
  • Muhamad Amir Nur Hakim Abdullah UITM
  • Muhammad Syukri Mohd Ashmir Wong UITM
  • Norazlina Mamat UITM
  • Shofiyyah Moidin UITM


Issues, challenges, halal education, halal training, trainer


Halal education is an essential requirement to increase understanding and awareness among the community and industrial players about halal concepts. The development of the halal industry in Malaysia and on a global level has shown a lot of positive growth every year. Involvement from various agencies such as JAKIM, HDC, and private halal consultants and training centers have helped a lot in terms of education development and providing training modules as a guideline to conduct halal training. However, halal trainers often encounter some participants with different educational backgrounds while conducting halal training, which eventually affects the training delivery and the quality of the training itself. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to analyse the issues and challenges faced by the trainers during halal training. This study adopted a qualitative method where the data was obtained by an interview session with halal trainers from HPRI. Next, the data obtained were analysed using thematic analysis. The findings show that the issues and challenges faced by halal trainers can be categorised into several criteria and factors such as language barrier, misunderstanding, and participants’ educational background. This research aims to contribute to the development of halal training in halal education in the future.

Pendidikan halal merupakan satu keperluan asas untuk meningkatkan kefahaman dan kesedaran komuniti dan pemain industri berkenaan konsep halal. Perkembangan industri halal di Malaysia dan di peringkat antarabangsa telah menunjukkan pertumbuhan yang positif setiap tahun. Penglibatan agensi-agensi seperti JAKIM, HDC, dan syarikat perunding halal swasta dan pusat latihan halal telah banyak membantu dari segi perkembangan pendidikan dan penyediaan modul latihan sebagai garis panduan dalam latihan halal. Walaubagaimanapun, pelatih halal selalu berdepan dengan dengan peserta daripada latar belakang pendidikan yang berbeza semasa memberikan latihan halal, di mana ia telah memberi kesan kepada kualiti dan penyampaian latihan. Oleh yang demikian, tujuan kajian ini dijalankan adalah untuk menganalisa isu dan cabaran yang dihadapi oleh pelatih halal semasa penyampaian latihan halal. Kajian ini menggunakan kaedah kualitatif di mana data diperolehi daripada sesi temubual bersama pelatih halal daripada IPPH. Data tersebut kemudian dianalisa menggunakan analisis tematik. Hasil kajian menunjukkan isu dan cabaran yang dihadapi oleh pelatih halal boleh dikategorikan kepada beberapa faktor seperti halangan bahasa, salah faham dan latar belakang pendidikan peserta. Kajian ini diharapkan dapat menyumbang kepada peningkatan latihan dalam pendidikan halal pada masa akan datang.


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How to Cite

Harun, N. H., Abdullah, M. A. N. H., Mohd Ashmir Wong, M. S., Mamat, N., & Moidin, S. (2021). Halal Training: Issues and Challenges from Trainers’ Perspectives in Halal Products Research Institute (HPRI): Latihan Halal: Isu dan Cabaran dari Perspektif Pelatih di Institut Penyelidikan Produk Halal (LPPH). Jurnal Pengajian Islam, 14(2), 207–216. Retrieved from https://jpi.uis.edu.my/index.php/jpi/article/view/143